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Renewable energy: how much a wind farm costs

24 September 2021
- Di
Alessia Petrucci
Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

RENEWABLE ENERGY - The data reported by the UN in the latest report on climate change highlight the need to act even more promptly on CO2 emissions. A great resource is renewable energy and the best means of using it. In Sicily and Emilia-Romagna will be created two new wind farms designed to reduce the environmental impact.

Advantages and economic disadvantages of renewable energy

The continuous research of new renewable energy sources is a focal point of today’s researchers. It would be pointless if the use of such sources were not encouraged in everyday life. Implementing the ecological transition, however, inevitably requires large amounts of money to be invested. According to data from ESDE, the Observatory on Employment and Social Developments in Europe, about EUR 20 billion for Europe alone.

However, they are necessary and necessary sums that bring direct and indirect benefits to the population. There is talk of indirect benefits due to the improvement of the conditions of our planet, because it would reduce CO2 emissions with the hope of reversing the trend of the consequences of climate change. The direct benefits can be found in the new jobs that renewable sources create. The International Monetary Fund has estimated that there will be more than 14 million new jobs in the world, within a total of 30 million given by the entire ecological transition project.

These new operators will, however, need training and retraining, which will entail costs which are, however, taken into account within the above-mentioned 20 billion. To meet these expenses, the European Commission has created the Fund for a just transition, which will have at its disposal 19.2 billion euros.

Sicily and Emilia-Romagna investments for wind farms

The resources allocated by the Fund for a just transition are an incentive for public bodies to set up ecological transition projects and renewable energy adoption on their territory.

Sicilie and Emilia-Romagna are two Italian regions that already have two important projects in these terms. It is the construction of two wind farms. In Sicily will come to life a wind farm from 60 km for a total cost of 9 billion euros. The park will then have an additional purpose. It will be installed off the coast of Sicily and will be equipped with cameras and radar to monitor cetaceans, in addition to having facilities to accommodate migratory birds.

In Emilia-Romagna instead will be realized in park eoli always on the marine surface but accompanied by a photovoltaic panel and electrolysers with the task of producing green hydrogen from renewable energy not used. The project will have a total cost of approximately EUR 1 billion.

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