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Impact investments

17 August 2022
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Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

IMPACT INVESTMENTS - Impact investments represent all those investments for the benefit of companies that support the environment and/or the social. A new fund launched by NN Investment Partners (NN IP) is born today.

What are the benefits of impact investments?

Simply put, it is an environment in which everyone can win. Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a person who wants to invest some capital in a promising company. What he hopes is that within a reasonable period of time that society will develop and thus gain. What if, in addition to the company and the investor, we could take into account another equally important element?

The third protagonist to be added is the positive impact on the environment and/or society. This newcomer allows us to take advantage of new methods to invest our money: for example, in addition to bonds we can use green bonds, titles reserved only for initiatives to reduce the energy impact in the European Union. 

NN Investment Partners brings a new social bond fund for impact bonds

In the financial landscape, a lot of investment is being invested in impact investments. An example is NN Investment Partners (NN IP) which announced the launch of the NN (L) Social Bond fund. The aim is to achieve a positive social impact combined with an attractive financial return. This is explained by Milano Finanza who also reported the words of Bram Bos, Lead Portfolio Manager Green, Social and Impact Bonds, NN Investment Partners:

"We are pleased to maintain our momentum in impact investing while playing a role in financing initiatives that foster social development. The issuance of social bonds increased in 2020 and 2021, especially for financing social projects that focus on managing the long-term effects of the pandemic. In this period, the social bond market has reached other impact bonds and now has a capitalization of over 400 billion euros, providing investment opportunities for a well diversified social bond portfolio. In 2022, we expect to issue EUR 250 billion. Our growth prospects are positive and we look forward to tapping into the social bond market and working towards a better future."

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