SMART WORKING - The pandemic has put us in front of the need to transfer work from offices to their homes. For many this transition was brutal, while others realized that they were preparing for this transition long ago. This is because the technologies had already shown us how it is possible to work from any place. If today smart working has the advantage of meeting the needs dictated by restrictions, yesterday and tomorrow it helps especially in being able to weave relationships with customers from all over the world without having to move.
Smart working, which appeared for the first time in the Italian legal system in 1998, as a first trial of public administrations to authorize forms of work at a distance, began to take shape with Law 81/2017 with a new discipline that allowed an alternative to traditional working practices, with an immediate adoption by many technology companies, which made it a new philosophy of thought, with surprising results on productivity probably deriving from the condition of "comfort zone" of the employee that is put in a state of autonomy, with the possibility of better reconciling personal and professional life.
There is no doubt that the phenomenon of the pandemic has led to an enormous increase in the adoption of a new way of working, especially in services, which is still affecting almost 5 million workers, so as to make it necessary to extend until 31.12.2021 the emergency measure of smart working "simple" without therefore the need for individual agreement between company and employee.
According to the Smart Working Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano the numbers are exponential: at the end of 2017 the smart workers were 305,000, at the end of 2019 they had reached the figure of 600,000 and to date the number has grown almost ten times more.
From 2022, there will certainly be a need for legislative measures to take account of worker protection mechanisms with new forms of contract and remuneration, where it is desirable a serene comparison that can be measured in special committees composed of companies and unions to monitor the experience of agile work on a large scale and solve issues that are creating debate in recent months: the rules to avoid the permanent connection of workers to computer tools, the right to compensation for expenses on broadband connection, the prohibition of work in public places and many other similar cases of operation still to be regulated.
Undoubtedly, the emergence of early March 2020 has profoundly changed the methodology of work and the way of communicating within the company, revolutionizing not only the computer systems in adoption but above all the fluidity of internal information systems.
In Smes, which employ more than 95% of the workforce in our country, the information system is poorly structured and often chaotic as if on the one hand there is an absolute "freedom of exchange without defined rules" on the other hand there is the dispersion of knowledge from outside that can be decisive in the strategies that management wants to adopt on the guidelines of the policies indicated by the Governance.
the main necessity will be for the companies that to invest in the formation of the workers in smart working, activity that comes among other things financed from contributions to lost fund that some regions (in primis Lazio and Lombardy) have effectively disbursed to maintain and strengthen human capital endowments on the territory.
The obvious reduction in the costs of rents and utilities, due to the remodeling of the required workspaces, could release new resources to invest in professional skills that can be used at any time and especially without travel restrictions, to the benefit of corporate budgets that for 2020 had a zero travel costs and staff travel.
New needs will also arise and attention will have to be shifted to alternative team building modes within a group, where balances will no longer be determined by a chat in front of the coffee machine, but they will need different moments of communication and aggregation.To learn more about the benefits of virtual encounters,