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But is it possible that the world will never be the same again?

26 April 2021
- Di
Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti

WORLD SAME - But is it possible that the world will never be the same again? After more than a year of pandemic we have understood what will be the future path. When we can start again, leaving behind the restrictions, the reality will no longer be the same. The world of events, of commerce, the way of working itself will be different.

Experiences have taught us that the world may not be the same

We learned that it is possible to stay in contact even at a distance, that you can work and study even without moving from home, that you can know and use the market actively while remaining connected on the web.

Even though in-presence reality will always be the starting point for every kind of relationship and sociality, as an essential good for the human being, the possibility of being able to partially manage our lives by rethinking the way we move and connect must be seen as an opportunity.

Why make dozens of people move, resulting in a waste of time and resources, when some activities can also be carried out remotely?

Why also not make work more sustainable and ensure that the time saved in travel can be managed by people for their private lives?

Adapting to change is an advantage  

This obviously does not mean not to put in the foreground the moments of work that need and are best expressed with in-presence contact, but it means to have the intelligence to preserve the best from the habits that this emergency has forced us to form.

The ability to adapt to change, to be flexible and ready to take the best from crises to open new ways are part of the evolution of the human being.

One of the phrases that I have heard most repeated in recent times is: "nothing will be like before". I strongly believe in this statement and I believe that it is the pillar for the evolution of the world.

The world is no longer the same... is it such a bad thing?  

If history teaches, then it should also have given us witness to the fact that every past crisis has been followed by phases of great progress. This is because crises make it possible to highlight all the good that has been done so far, but above all what could have been done better. And not only that. As the pandemic from Covid-19 has taught us, often in times of upheaval we are forced to put in place quick solutions that often turned out to be successful, not only in dealing with the crisis, but also in rethinking the future.

Resume from where we left off, but bringing with us the new knowledge

Each of us wants to come back to relive in a free way his life; dine at the restaurant with friends, move and travel without limits or protocols to follow, meet where and how you want. We hope that this will happen as soon as possible.

But let us not deprive ourselves of the experiences and discoveries we have made, of the knowledge we have improved, of the technology that has supported us.

The world of online events, the shopping industry, the organization of the staff in companies, the contact with the international market, the relationship with foreign customers... all these sectors have undergone radical changes, imposed by contingent situations.

Let’s treasure our experiences

I don’t mean to say that everything that was in our past must not return, but it is important to create a combination of what it was and what it is. To improve what it will be. What happened can make the future brighter if we learn to combine real experience and virtual experience in a new way of thinking that is synergistic and productive. Ideas, work and well-being.

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