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Logistic Digital Community inaugurated

23 November 2021
- Di
Alessia Petrucci
Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

LOGISTIC DIGITAL COMMUNITY - We are in the era of digital transformation that involves every sector of the world economy. Even ports are not exempt from the digital revolution. This is why the Logistic Digital Community was created by Federlogistica and Conftrasporto-Commercio. Draft of a " community between all the operators of the row of logistics, transports and shipping in order to diffuse the digital culture." Let’s go into detail.

Digital transformation and companies

Digital transformation is the mechanism by which synergies are created between business and digital technology. In order to give life to these collaborations, however, the company must be ready and responsive to fully grasp the potential of the tools made available. There must be flexibility and a willingness to get involved, but above all, preparation for change.

In the business landscape there are many companies that still can not fully understand the true meaning of digital transformation. In fact, it is thought that it only provides for the digitization of internal processes within the company. In reality, it includes everything relating to the inclusion of new technologies capable of assisting and making work within the company more efficient. Companies that are still lagging behind from this point of view need a reference point that serves as an example to look at. But there is also a need for realities in which it is possible to confront and share projects, ideas and resources to face this delicate phase. An example is the Logistic Digital Community project.

The engagement of Federlogistica and Logistic Digital Community

On 25 October 2021 the Logistic Digital Community was officially presented in Genoa. the first to take word to the event has been the president of Federlogistica Luigi Merlo:

"From today begins a transformation that will involve companies, institutions, also initiating a change in the associative world compared to a great challenge that Europe has launched us, that the government has relaunched with the PNRR, but also with energy transition policies. Federlogistica wants to connect and support its companies in an accompanying phase towards this transformation. Our association sees a huge presence of multinationals, but also of small realities. The challenge is to put them together, because there is no negative confrontation between global and local".

But what are the intentions that moved the realization of Logistic Digital Community?

The will and purpose that move the Digital Community Logist can be read directly on the site of Federlogistica.

"The protagonists of the Community will be companies and service companies in the supply chain, with Federlogistica as a subject aggregator and diffuser of the potential of the digital transition, on which significant resources have been allocated by MIMS through PNRR funds 2021-26 and Structural Funds 2021-27.

Between the partner founders of the Logistic Digital Community with Conftrasporto-Confcommercio there are Federlogistica, Digital Liguria, Cetena, Polytechnic of Turin, Diec and the Italian Center of Excellence on the Logistics and the Transports and Infrastructures of the University of Genoa. Technical partners Consorzio Global and Federlogistica Service.

The steps are clear and have the purpose of simplifying and optimizing the work processes through the new 5G and IOT technology, the protection of computer systems, Cyber Security to protect the security in the company from digital threats and attacks, the contamination of ideas and good practices aimed at business innovation, the application of company use cases to promote digital development and therefore the creation of networks and opportunities between companies in the supply chain to create value."

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