SMART WORKING - For a long time many digital and communication professionals have understood the great ferment on the international level on the management of work remotely and starting to create solutions to make it more efficient.
How is it possible not to realize the potential of smart working at a time when, also but not only at the push of the pandemic, have optimized the potential of
this tool?
The theme of this new appointment with "But Possible That?" comes from the ongoing institutional debate also in Italy on the protocol to regulate smart working. We must not confuse the work in the presence and the so-called agile work, but make a deeper reflection.
From the great potential that 3D environments offer us, we must not only grasp the immediacy of connecting with people, with colleagues. The intellectual challenge is to understand that some professional activities through smart working can increase productivity, while others cannot.
Smart working does not mean to fulfill the requests of your employer in the absence of human contact seated in front of your home computer. Instead, by identifying the types of activities that lend themselves to be enhanced through virtual and hybrid events, we will be able to entrust remote work with the right space in the path of each individual company.
In addition, it reduces the differences and growth opportunities of a multinational compared to a small or medium-sized enterprise. It’s the great message of the internet revolution that brings with it always new revolutions: trying to provide the same opportunities to everyone. In this case, multimediality and crossmediality create bridges where it would be difficult to find them, connecting professionals and entrepreneurs to develop a new idea of the future.
An interesting starting point also comes from the pages of Corriere della Sera, which explains, data at hand, that in Italy almost 46% of workers would like to continue to carry out their activities in an agile manner. The most significant factor is also that 4 out of 10 workers would be ready to leave the busy life of big cities to move to places immersed in nature and continue their profession from there. This brings to light the great need for a "work-life balance", which we have long sacrificed for the ambition of our career. The much-needed balance between the quality of life and the will to climb the company pyramid can really be achieved.
Having high-tech tools that allow you to do the job remotely to the full potential will mean providing new life prospects for millions of people. This social aspect is by no means to be underestimated.
With my corporate team I’m working a lot on the creation of virtual offices, whose corridors we could walk through each with their own avatar. Through the comparison with the other participants it will then be possible to receive information on the services offered, browse the available catalogues, send an email to the offices, view promotional videos and corporate presentations. In addition, you will be able to get to know the professional skills of each studio consultant. To choose which professional to rely on just approach a screen and read the description.