WHIRLPOOL NAPOLI ZES - Also on this occasion the Italian Government is not able to behave in an intelligent, careful and innovative way. As always, the complete knowledge and knowledge of the economic reality in which we live is lacking; what is the use only of showing only the muscles without a strategy for the future? Considering also that I don’t think the Whirlpool will be impressed by that type of muscles (if we want to call them really muscles).
I have always written that it is of fundamental importance to try to keep foreign companies in our territory and not to make them flee abroad. I do not repeat myself here about the very high tax and labour costs we have in Italy.
An enlightened state in this situation should simply try to understand why the company is laying off and perhaps moving its headquarters abroad (Slovenia to be precise where it has a whole series of tax incentives)and then simply try to recreate in Italy those same economic-legal conditions that exist in other countries more attractive from the point of view of tax, bureaucratic , etc.
With regard to the distribution of profits from the SPI to the foreign shareholder, no withholding tax will be provided regardless of the regulatory provisions of the conventions to avoid double taxation signed.
3. to operate definitively and quickly the ZES Naples and therefore to give the possibility to the Whirlpool to operate directly in the same ZES.
Therefore to make finally executive the Law that has created the Economic Special Zones for the ports of the South in order to put in competition with the ports like Rotterdam, Barcelona, Suez.. etc etc . This special zones allow you to operate with convenient tax incentives and therefore can attract foreign investment; the Whirlpool from this area could sell its products in the international market with huge tax advantages.
All this would allow Whirlpool to continue working in Italy and not to lay off.