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$Ø$ Success or Setback

The events of the past year lead to many changes, especially for the world of work. Many activities, even with a great history and a glorious past, found themselves in a pickle and on many occasions were forced to close. Other companies instead wanted to seize in the difficulty an opportunity to rebuild themselves or to jump for the first time in a new market.

Therefore, has this great crisis that we all had to face differently only constituted a threat? Or has it created some opportunities we should not miss out? "Success and Setback" is a space where you can find information, provocations, cues and ideas concerning the current state of economy and will make you question things.

Thanks to this column you will be able to find the right motivation to start again after a defeat, to understand that, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. Let’s not forget that unpleasant experience teaches and is a resource that everyone has at their disposal to improve. If we rely on our motivation and willpower we can overcome every adversity. Just have the right idea!

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